The En Gedi Project
Position Tracking
by Garmin InReach
Current Map Here
Hint: Turn map filters on
As many of our adventures are venturing further and further from the beaten path and civilization, we have added this piece of safety equipment to our gear list. This GPS unit not only provides mapped navigation aid to our camping, backpacking, and mountain biking groups on the trail, but it will also
-allow family back home to track progress on a detailed map with text updates.
-allow for text message communication with designated parties back home from any remote location in the world.
-Obtain current weather forecasts for our region while on the trail.
-communicate with a 24/7 emergency response center that can arrange for rescue anywhere in the case of a serious need.
Important Note for Worried Parents/Spouses/Etc!!
We are super excited about this addition to our equipment and the very significant added safety factor that it brings. While we have have never had any participant require medical attention in the many years we have been leading some extreme camping and backpacking adventures, this is a safety net and insurance that brings a measure of security that is tough to overstate. We also are excited about the opportunity for family and friends to follow along vicariously during our trip. Not only will you see position updates, complete with time of day, speed, elevation, etc, but we can also post message updates to the map as well. Those who are really interested can zoom in and see satellite images of the terrain we are in, check weather for the area, and see photos (via google maps) of the area taken by previous travelers.
Technology has its limitations. Batteries die. Devices can accidentally drop or strike rocks or fall in the water or otherwise become damaged. We might only power the device on periodically in order to save battery for a prolonged trip. View of the sky may be obstructed. Satellite communication networks can go down. Please understand that a lack of communication or updates does not necessarily mean that anything is wrong. Please know that a key component of our safety plan is always flexibility. If you see on the map that we are wandering off of our originally planned route, it does not mean that we are lost or that anything is wrong - it could just be that we changed our plans for any one of countless reasons. If you see that there is bad weather heading our way, do not fret and feel the need to message us - we are assessing the weather on the trail. Please only message us in an urgent situation, such as an event at home that necessitates the early departure of your family member (we do incur a cost for text communications). Please trust that we will call for help if and when we need it.
If you know that you are the type to worry about every possible thing that could go wrong, you might be better off not looking at this map until after your loved one is home safely! :)